Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas! Try Wii Fit or XBox Kinetic and stay active...

XBox Kinetic
How it benefits us in Daily Physical Activity:

   Immerison Enivornment
   Education (Use of the whole body)
   More Fun
   New Technology and use of the internet
  Stree relief

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Holiday Fun with the Girls and looking Fabulous!

Danetta, Jennifer and Zarinah
(Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry, Big Kidz Foundation & Platinum Exposures)
Independant Consultant, Executive Director & Business Owner

Penelope, Cassandra & Danetta
("Penny" the photographer and Cassandra/Danetta Traci Lynn Fashion Consultants)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays and watch your waistline

Tips on Holiday Diet Control!

1.  Use a smaller plate at family gatherings.
2.  Daily intake of water, half your
     body  weight in oz of water.
3.  Start your day off with 24 oz of water.
4.  Divide your meal plate in fours:
      a.1/4 Lean Meat
      b.1/4 Whole Wheat Pasta serving
      c.1/4 Vegetables serving
      d.1/4 fruit serving
5.  Take a break and go for a walk.
6.  Wrap up your favorite dish for the next day.